
Caitlin Kalinowski has served on Board of Directors of Axon, a global leader in connected public safety technologies, since 2019. Axon uses VR to train police officers to deescalate a wide range of situations, and is working at crossroads of several important different subjects: policing, community engagement, and using VR to make the world a better place. 

September 11, 2017

How An Apple Vet Helped Solve One Of VR’s Biggest Problems–For Facebook-Owned Oculus 

Fast Company

May 1, 2017

Six Steps to Superior Product Prototyping: Lessons from an Apple and Oculus Engineer 

First Round Review

November 20, 2019

Eight Rules For Making Impossible Products 

Global Innovation Forum

February 24, 2017

Keeping technology culture politically diverse 

Lesbians Who Tech Summit

May 28, 2020

Queer 50 / 2020 

Fast Company

January 18, 2018

Prototype Your Ideas Smarter and Faster: 6 Steps to Follow 

Silicon Slopes Tech Summit

September 15, 2017

The Craft of Prototyping 

Mind The Product

February 4, 2020

Design Principles for Building VR: Translating Optics and Sensor Technologies into Products Consumers Love 


February 1, 2013

Facebook Bluetooth Beacons 


October 1, 2005

Model 02 


January 1, 2018

Oculus Go 


January 1, 2019

Oculus Rift S 
